Have you joined us a few times and are starting to wonder how to get to know others and get involved? Here are a few suggestions:
- Attend a Sunday class. We have classes for all ages from 9:25-10:15 am on Sundays during the school year calendar. Our Children’s & Youth classes meet in the basement, and our Adult Class meets upstairs in the Board Room. There’s always someone around to point you in the right direction.
- Stay for Coffee & Fellowship after the worship Service on Sunday mornings in the downstairs fellowship hall. This is a relaxed atmosphere where you can grab a delicious (and free) cup of coffee and a snack and get to know someone.
- Fill out a Visitor Card during the Sunday morning worship time. These are found in the back of the pew in front of you. Take one, fill it out, and drop it in the offering basket when it is passed during the worship time or place it in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary. You can also fill out this digital contact card and someone will be in touch.
- Check out our church website calendar and church bulletin to find out about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.
- Attend a membership class, where you can delve more deeply into our vision, beliefs, structure, and what it means to become a committed member of Rowandale.
- If you have questions, feel free to email one of our staff (contact info is on the “Staff” page under “About” at the top of this page).