My Bible Plan for 2022: Read for Breadth, Study for Depth

It’s a New Year and a lot of people are starting fresh with their Bibles.

With the limited space I have here I’d like to share some ideas. Hopefully you will find something useful for your own studies.

Bible Reading & Bible Study

There’s a difference between these two and they’re both important to keep up all the time.

Bible Reading is taking in large chunks of scripture, like reading whole books of the Bible at once. It helps us see the “big picture” of how the whole Bible tells one cohesive story. The Lord commands us to remember, and not forget who he is, what he has promised and what he has done. Reading large portions helps us do that. Why do we need to be reminded to remember? Because we so easily forget! And we also need to let the old truths sink in deeply.

Ideas for Bible Reading (Big Picture)

1. Bible Reading Plans: I like the Robert Murray M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan. You read the New Testament and Psalms twice and the Old Testament once in one year. There are many Bible reading plans out there, just Google it or send us an email for some advice.

2. Audio Bible: If you are a slow reader, like me, and you like podcasts, consider getting your “big picture” of the Bible by listening to someone read the Bible! “Daily Audio Bible” by Brian Hardin (free) and the “Dwell” App (paid) are great options.

Ideas for Bible Study

Bible Study is slowing down, taking small bites of scripture, digging in, thinking about the meaning of the text and its impact on everything.   

Get yourself a mechanical pencil and a “Scripture Journal”. These are single books of the Bible with scripture on the left page and a blank page on the right to make notes. The CSB and ESV ones are usually under $10 on Amazon. I like writing in these more than my regular Bible because the pages are thick and I feel more free to mark it up.

After you pray and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, try this method. (I learned this from an online Bible class I took on

Read the passage and slowly do the next four steps. Each step starts with “H”, so it should be easy to remember.

Step 1: Highlight – Underline the key words and phrases, repeated words, draw arrows and make connections to show the train of thought in the passage. This is where you ask the question, “What is this passage saying?”

The next 3 steps have to do with interpretation and application.

Step 2: Head (Thinking) – After reading the passage, ask these questions:

1. How should I think differently about God/myself/others because of what I’ve just read? 

2. What doctrines are taught in this passage?   

3. What other Scripture texts add to the truths taught in this passage?

Step 3: Heart (Emotions) – After reading the passage, ask these questions:

1. How should I feel differently about God/myself/etc. because of what I’ve just read? 

2. What emotions are expressed in this passage? 

3. What emotions does this passage exhort me to feel?

Step 4: Hands (Actions) – After reading the passage, ask these questions:

1. How should I act differently because of what I’ve just read? 

2. What motivations does this passage give for acting differently? 

3. What sins do I need to repent of and put off? 

4. What good works do I need to put on?

At this point in your Bible study you may need to memorize some scripture to help you get through the day… that would be a good topic to discuss at another time, because it’s very important.

I would like to end by encouraging you to devour your Bibles this year! Psalm 119 says that once God opens our eyes, we will see “wondrous things” in his word (119:18). It will be a lamp to our feet (119:105), and a powerful tool to fight sin, with God’s help (119:11).

Pastor Dave Miller