Rowandale Worship Playlist
Do you want to become more familiar with some of the most commonly sung songs at Rowandale?
Click on the Spotify players to the right, to listen to playlists of our commonly sung and newer songs! These playlists will continually be updated.
You will need to sign up for a free or paid Spotify account. Free accounts will play the songs in random order and include advertisements.
Alternatively, you could use this list to build a YouTube playlist on your own.
We look forward to worshipping with you!
Click on the Spotify players to the right, to listen to playlists of our commonly sung and newer songs! These playlists will continually be updated.
You will need to sign up for a free or paid Spotify account. Free accounts will play the songs in random order and include advertisements.
Alternatively, you could use this list to build a YouTube playlist on your own.
We look forward to worshipping with you!